Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

by Daniel Aristi

In the movie, the scientists wish

They’d be in uniform, and the US Marines actually

Dream of kissing the eggheads, but no one says nothing.


There’s a nuclear device with blood red numbers that

They all fathered in a Manhattan orgy—and R-Mann would say

‘It’s queer’.(More …)

Honey Ant

by Daniel Aristi

A hopemonger comes he sells

hope, in Spanish


Abuela used to say

They were so poor in Zacatecas they

Ate ant honey—

Miel de hormiga

Bees, hah, way too expensive, muy caro

mijo, carísimo, ja! (More …)


by Daniel Aristi

Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.

(Friedrich Nietzsche)

On the map, the capital city black spot

isn’t there, like a hole in a golf course for God, like

an empty plate of frijoles big enough for the nation, like

the victory of some Ulysses campesinos that dared gouge the military government’s Cyclops—

(More …)